The PHP podcast where everyone chimes in.


Originally aired on

February 18th, 2016

038: RFC Show & Tell

New features of PHP get added via the request for comments process. We chatting with a few RFC authors about what features they are proposing for the next major version of PHP.


Proposed features of PHP 7.1 Show Summary

Davey Shafik talks about

Developer Shout-Out

Thank you, Paul Dragoonis for your work on the website. A $50 Amazon gift card from Laracasts is on its way to you.

Shout-out sponsored by Laracasts


It's like Netflix for developers.


Phil Sturgeon

Scott Arciszewski

Andrea Faulds

François Laupretre

Davey Shafik

Show Notes Credit

Chris Shaw

Thank you Chris Shaw for authoring the show notes for this episode!

If you'd like to contribute show notes and totally get credit for it, check out the show-notes repo!