The PHP podcast where everyone chimes in.

Originally aired on

May 28th, 2015

021: From Idea To Production: Part 1

We discuss an idea for a web app and identify ways to turn it into a real-life product on the web.

We start with describing the domain and the problems the app should solve. Then we identify the personas that will interact with the app. We discuss the


Part 1: Turning an idea into code for production Show Summary

We discuss an idea for a web app the helps dancers manage their upcoming dance competitions and events.

Although the app could apply to many genres of dance, the primary focus will be on the [West Coast Swing](

Developer Shout-Out

Thank you, Karl Hughes for your work on sanitizing job data. A $50 Amazon gift card from Laracasts is on its way to you.

Shout-out sponsored by Laracasts


It's like Netflix for developers.


Steven Maguire

  • Built and launched a product that protects your email inbox from being overrun with system monitoring alerts via rules and filters. I am looking for a few more beta testers to signup and put it through its paces. Signup at!
  • Loves pizza, especially when other people pay for it @ :)
  • Read The Axis of Stevil for new hilarious/odd content every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, email notifications when new content is released.

Jocelyn Lopez

Glen Hinkle