The PHP podcast where everyone has a seat.
Unlock the power of command-line interfaces and text-based user interfaces with PHP in our latest PHPRoundtable episode: ‘CLIs and TUIs with PHP for Fun and Profit’. Join us as we dive deep into how developers are leveraging PHP to create robust and interactive CLI and TUI applications that drive productivity and innovation. Whether you’re looking to streamline your workflows and automation or just develop tools that will help you be more profitable, this discussion will provide you with insi... (Full Show Notes)
We're still alive! We come off our hiatus to have an informal catch-up session with some PHP friends. And proof of the secret PHP Roundtable project is revealed to Chris & Joe.
PHP is known for running really bad code really well. But it has a dirty little secret: deep within its code is a hidden "stack bomb". You can cause PHP to completely crash with just a few lines of code. Today we discuss why this happens and what we can d
In an industry like software engineering where it seems like there's always something else to learn, it's easy to come down with a case of imposter syndrome. We chat about imposter syndrome's impact on th
After years of resisting, SammyK finally drank the Docker Kool-Aid for his everyday client work. We talk about his transition from Vagrant to Docker and some bumps he hit along the way.
Adding tests to php-src is a great way to get involved with PHP internals. Don't know how to get started? You're in luck. TestFest 2017 is going to be a thing in September. User groups and individuals around the world are going
We take a deep-dive into the underlaying structure of the the PHP source code and talk about the scanner, parser, the new AST layer (and the evil things we can do with it), and the Zend engine. Let's see how the PHP sausage is made!
We have a mashup recording with PHPUgly and PHP Town Hall during the community night at php[tek] 2017. We chat about OSMI, UUID's, git, product development, getting involved i
We chat all things about the Laravel ecosystem.
Dependency Injection has been a design principle that the PHP community has embraced more fully than a lot of other programming communities. There's even an official PHP-FIG standard being discussed ca
No matter how experienced you are as a programmer, at some point your app will generate errors and crash. Fixing problems with your app quickly is paramount in order to affect as little of your user base as possible. We discuss what is involved with imple
PHP 7.1, the latest minor version of PHP, was released on December 1st. We discuss some things that went on behind-the-scenes that brought this new version to a stable release and we look at some new featu
Guzzle has become the de-facto HTTP-client library for PHP. But recently a number of open source projects have been switching to HTTPlug which boasts itself as an HTTP-client abstraction. We chat about t